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Jun 22, 2013


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I wish it were as easy as "sharing the information". Even that is difficult in the face of those who resist. But we must keep on. Truth will set people free. And women must stand up for themselves along with the men who care.

How can a person listen to one speak something they know is true and then say they cannot listen to another person say the same truth. Doesn't make sense. Truth stands on its own feet. Who speaks it is not the problem. We should ALL press on to speak what is truth. God gave the Scriptures for all, not just a few.

Kristen Rosser

"How can we get the message across" is the burning question I haven't figured out yet. I used to think all we had to do was share information like this and it would be received with joy-- but many people are invested in the way things are and highly resistant to change. Gotta keep spreading the message anyway-- the more people who do embrace it, the less of a foothold the "women are forbidden" camp will have.


Yes, Deb. The 'one woman man' idiom is documented in one of Bruce Flemings books.

I didn't know that Hamilton wrote about 1 Timothy 5 in Cunningham's "Why Not Women?" book. I'll have to go look at what he says. :)

A Facebook User

One can figure out that the phrase "mias gunaikos aner" cannot disqualify a woman as a diakonos also has the qualification and Phoebe was a diakonos.



Good post. I think this is part of why understanding Junia and Phoebe and Priscilla is so important. Many people want to say that they were not really in as expansive of a position as they were precisely b/c it messes w/ their hierarchy of leadership (if women can be leaders under elders but neither elders nor leaders over elders, then somehow they must have really been in lesser positions), but they have to torture the text, it seems to me, to come up with this idea.

Additionally, I have read that the Greek phrase "one woman man" was used as praise on the tombstones of women; in other words, it was actually a gender neutral idiom for a devoted spouse.

The thoughts of Kenneth Bailey (similar ideas are wonderfully explained in Loren Cunningham's book Why not Women?) are eye-opening in regards to the possibility that Paul writes about female elders in 1 Timothy: http://www.godswordtowomen.org/women_new_testament.pdf

Thanks for this,

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